Ash, Ain, Greetha
- Circle of Energy:
- This is an energiser activity to foster team cohesiveness and to encourage bonding.
- Make A Spinning Top:
- This is an activity designed for families and the public for the coming school holidays. The Science Scouts, using provided materials such as chopsticks, paper plates, mounting board and 1 cent shillings made their own spinning top and had a contest on which top spins the longest.

The Science Scouts are attempting their spinning tops using available materials.
- Make A Paper Aeroplane:
- Science Scouts were given old magazine paper to make an aeroplane of their choice. They were given time to try out different designs and see whether their paper plane can fly. Then they were taught a different type of paper plane folding and then compared it to their own designs.

A group if Science Scouts attempt to fold a paper airplane based on a given folding guide.