Coordinators: Ash, Ain, Yati, Daniel
- Light Painting:
The Science Scouts took part in the Light Painting workshop, held in conjunction with the Science and Art Festival. Science Scouts created light photography art with extended exposure photography, a torchlight and a dark room.
- Beautiful Batik:
Also in conjunction with the Science and Art Festival, Science Scouts experienced the Malaysian art of Batik printing by using a genuine ‘canting’, hot wax, fabric, and paints. Their creative efforts were then framed for them to bring home.
The Science Scouts dipping their 'canting's into hot wax before applying it on their designs.
Science Scout Arief in deep concentration!
Science Scout Pavithiran cautiously applying wax to his design.
Science Scouts siblings Sara and Nayyim half way through their creations.
Some of the Science Scouts with their masterpieces!