Saturday, September 26, 2009

Troop 3: Meeting 15

Coordinators: Daniel, Ash, Iqbal

Dinotrek 2:
The Science Scouts had fun at Dinotrek 2, the dinosaur exhibition which will be leaving KLCC soon and travel to selected venues in the country. Before it goes, the Science Scouts engaged with the exhibits one last time. Highlights of the exhibition include live-like dinosaur animatronics and immersive interactive experiences like the Dino Dance!

The Science Scouts posing for photos at Dino Dance with Iqbal!

The Science Scouts having a dig at the sand pit, uncovering fossils.

Science Scouts Mimi and Liyana are busy feeding the dinosaurs!

Science Scout Nayyim taking a big leap onto the quiz bridge!

Shoebox Diorama:
The Science Scouts made an interactive and ‘surprising’ diorama, using a shoebox and recycled materials. In groups, Science Scouts assembled a dioramic scene in a shoebox, viewable only from a peep-hole. Interactive elements were included such as mobiles, and moving characters to bring the diorama to life.

Science Scout Ian and his monster!

Science Scout Nayyim hard at work making bits for the diorama.

Science Scout Loshene is exhausted with all the work!

Science Scout Ian is tired too!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya!

Wishing all Science Scouts a Selamat Hari Raya! If you're travelling, remember to buckle up behind! Be safe and we all look forward to seeing you again after the holidays.

Next meeting is on September 26 and if you're coming for this meeting, please bring one shoebox (if you have more, bring it!). Any shoebox size will do.

Enjoy the ketupat and rendang!


Daniel, Ash, Ain, Yati

Monday, September 7, 2009

It's September!

First up, congratulations to Science Scout Mimi for completing the August Challenge!

Secondly, happy fasting to all Muslim Science Scouts.

Thirdly, good luck to all Science Scouts who are sitting for their UPSR examinations!

As Hari Raya is just around the corner, the September challenge is to share ONE science fact about anything related to Hari Raya. Think about all the things we do, taste, smell, touch, hear, and explain the science behind one of it. It's not too difficult but do be creative! A surprise gift awaits Science Scouts who successfully completes the challenge!

Our next meeting is on 26 September, just after Hari Raya. If you're still at your hometown and unable to attend, please let us know. Take care everyone and do practice good hygiene.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Troop 3: Meeting 14

Coordinators: Daniel, Ash, Ain, Yati

Cartesian Diver:
The Science Scouts made a model of the popular 'Cartesian Diver' using a plastic bottle, straw, and modeling clay. This simple activity demonstrates the principles of pressure in an interactive, and engaging form. The Science Scouts also took the time to embellish their models with clay figures on the top of the bottle.

Troop Leader Ash explaining how the 'Cartesian Diver' is to be made.

Science Scout Nayim showing off his decorated model.

Troop 3 posing with the finished models!

Science in Ramadan
The Science Scouts also took part in more 'Science in Ramadan' activities. This time, they joined a workshop on building a battery-powered lamp which they constructed and designed. The Science Scouts also did some explosive science as they constructed cannons, powered by compressed gas.

Science Facilitator Nurul Aini guiding the Science Scouts through the construction of their lamp.

Science Scouts hard at work in the lamp-building workshop.

Ready, aim, FIRE!