Thursday, May 26, 2011

Upcoming ALL TROOP Meeting!

Are you ready for the annual Science Olympics? Be there this Saturday! Open to ALL TROOPS!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Meeting 5 is tomorrow!

Troop 5, your next exciting Science Scouts meeting is tomorrow! Be prepared to put on your engineer hardhats as you build towers and experiment with materials!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Troop 5: Meeting 4

Troop Leaders: Qila, Azni, Yati

Senior Science Scouts: Logen, Shaz, Khavishini, Darshwini, Qistina, Ummeesh, Mimi

It's a celebration of Planet Earth for Meeting 4 of the Science Scouts! Here are some shots of the action that took place:

Everyone reciting the Science Scouts pledge.

Troop Leader Azni led the first activity; DIY Microscope.

Science Scouts busy searching for micro-organisms in the water sample.

Science Scouts took part in the Earth Day science demonstrations in the centre.

Science Scout Hannah busy with some slime action!

More Earth Day hands-on science.

The Science Scouts also met with Engineers from PETRONAS.

The 'Rock' Show with Science Communicator Nuyun!

An introduction to the different rock types.

An energiser activity by the Science Communicator.

Science Scout Wesley recounts what he has learned for a chance to earn a badge!

Science Scout Jer Kent gives it a go too.

To all the Moms out there, Happy Mother's Day!