Bring an old glass jar for our meeting on November 8!
Science Scouts! Do bring an old glass jar for our meeting this Saturday, November 8. Used jam jars, or any other glass jars will be fine! Any shape or size and caps can be plastic or metal. One is enough!
The Petrosains Science Scouts recruits only one Troop a year. Recruitment for 2011 is closed and recruitment for Troop 6 in 2012 will be opened later. Check back for details.
Science Fact Box
If you've ever helped your parents in the kitchen, you may have noticed that cutting onions make you cry. When you cut onions, a stinging gas is released and when it is in contact with your eyes, your body produces tears in defense. The tears dilute the irritant and help remove it from your eyes.
So if you're cutting onions and want to avoid being teary-eyed, try some of these tips:
1. Cut onions with a fan switched on. The breeze from the fan can disperse the gas to avoid it irritating your eyes (though it might irritate someone else instead!).
2. Use goggles!
3. Have a clean bowl of water ready. Once the onions are chopped, immediately put them into the water so the gases will not reach your eyes. You can also rinse them under running water.
Give it a go and remember, always inform your parents if you're doing stuff in the kitchen. Safety is important especially when using dangerous tools such as knives.
Online Activity Bonus - July
Identify the activity and in which Troop/Meeting did it take place!
About the Petrosains Science Scouts
The Petrosains Science Scouts is an after-school program designed for students in Primary. This year-long program offers a rich informal learning experience in science and technology, making science come alive through a multitude of activities and learning programs, broadly linked to the 5 tenets of the Primary Science syllabus. Science Scouts with the right attitude and diligence will earn badges in these areas, a testament of their learning achievements!
Click on Meetings Archive to view a record of past meetings and events, complete with photos!
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