Saturday, May 30, 2009

Troop 3: Meeting 7

Daniel, Ash, Yati

- Circle of Energy:
  • This is an energiser activity to foster team cohesiveness and to encourage teamwork and cooperation.

- ‘Peanuts’ Animal Sculpture:
  • The Science Scouts was explained about packing peanuts and the differences between polystyrene and starch-based. They built a sculpture of animals of their choice from the starch-based packing peanuts by sticking it together with water, decorate it with colour markers and gave a presentation on it for few minutes. They learned facts on living things (animals) from each other’s presentations and also practise their fine motor skills.

The Science Scouts building their animal models with packing 'peanuts'.

A Gallery of The Packing 'Peanuts' Animals!

Animal Origami:
  • The Science Scouts were exposed to Japanese paper folding art called Origami and they did many animals origami from recycled paper and get to decorate it at home. They learned facts on the living things (animals) from the animal origami they did and also practise their fine motor skills.

The Science Scouts folding the origami together, with a facilitator giving instructions.

Origami is a delicate art requiring fine motor skills and an appreciation for mathematics and aesthetics.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Troop 3: Meeting 6

Daniel, Ash, Yati

- Circle of Energy:
  • This is an energiser activity to foster team cohesiveness and to encourage teamwork and cooperation.

- Science Olympics
  • This is an annual Science Scouts’ event involving all troops! Science Scouts took part in a series of challenges as a group and earned points towards medals while discovering the science behind each challenges. The challenges were:

    - Physical Science Challenges:
    1. Balance Bonkers
    2. CAN You Do It
    3. Bernoulli Blower

    - Math Madness (Mathematics)
    - Matchstick Challenge (Puzzles)

Two teams racing head-to-head in the 'Balance Bonkers' challenge!

'CAN You Do It'? Yes they can!

'Bernoulli Blower' is a breathless experience!

Work the brain in Math Madness!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

All Troops Meeting this Saturday (May 16)!

It's our annual Science Olympics! We're bringing back popular events from last year and adding a whole new set of new challenges!

It's open to Science Scouts from ALL troops so if you would like to attend, email Daniel or Yati ASAP (that means as soon as possible!).

Best teams will win exciting prizes but everyone can expect a meeting full of fun!

Monday, May 4, 2009

It's May!

It's May and there will be an All Troops meeting on May 16! This time, we're having our annual Science Olympics! All Science Scouts from ALL TROOPS are welcomed. Troop 1 and 2 members who are coming, please send an email to Daniel or Yati.

For April, we have two Science Scouts who completed the challenge. Congratulations to Science Scout Liyana Rahimi and Science Scout Shamimi for their inventive and very interesting machine designs. Liyana has came up with a wonderful invention that switches on a light in your backpack when it's open and shuts it off when it closes. This makes it easy for you to look for things in your bag especially when it is dark. Very cool! Mimi on the other hand invented a special foldable bicycle with built in storage! Once you've cycled to school, just fold the bicycle into a trolley so you can easily move your heavy books around without ever needing to lift it. Very smart!

March and April challenge winners as well as those who took part in the 10th Anniversary Carnival, your certificates and badges are still being worked on. Badgemaster Ash has been really busy and on a few trips so please do be patient!

For May, here's the challenge:
  • We want to know how being a Science Scout has changed your life (hopefully for the better!). You can show us a photo, write us a story, or do both and tell us in your own way what has changed since you've been a Science Scout. We'll award 'Creating Wonder' badges for the stories that we find most creative (and genuine!).
  • As always, send in your entries by hand or email or post! Closing date is the end of the month!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Troop 3: Meeting 5

Daniel, Jean

- Circle of Energy:
  • This is an energiser activity to foster team cohesiveness and to encourage teamwork and cooperation.

- My Guppy Fish
  • The Science Scouts learned about the intricacies of fish-keeping and were given the basics to start-up their own aquarium, complete with two guppies! Science Scouts then observed, drew and labelled their fish before ending with a discussion on the science and technology in aquariums.

The plastic aquariums, guppies and other props at the start of the program.

The Science Scouts listening to the brief by Harjinder.

Science Scouts intently setting up their aquarium and drawing their fishes. More photos below!

(Troop 3, send us photos of your aquariums at home!)

- 3D Movie Screening
  • The Science Scouts watched the 3D movie, Sea Dragoon!