Daniel, Ash, Yati
- Circle of Energy:
- This is an energiser activity to foster team cohesiveness and to encourage teamwork and cooperation.
- ‘Peanuts’ Animal Sculpture:
- The Science Scouts was explained about packing peanuts and the differences between polystyrene and starch-based. They built a sculpture of animals of their choice from the starch-based packing peanuts by sticking it together with water, decorate it with colour markers and gave a presentation on it for few minutes. They learned facts on living things (animals) from each other’s presentations and also practise their fine motor skills.
The Science Scouts building their animal models with packing 'peanuts'.
A Gallery of The Packing 'Peanuts' Animals!
Animal Origami:
- The Science Scouts were exposed to Japanese paper folding art called Origami and they did many animals origami from recycled paper and get to decorate it at home. They learned facts on the living things (animals) from the animal origami they did and also practise their fine motor skills.
The Science Scouts folding the origami together, with a facilitator giving instructions.
Origami is a delicate art requiring fine motor skills and an appreciation for mathematics and aesthetics.
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