Saturday, October 9, 2010

Troop 4: Meeting 15

Troop Leaders: Qila, Azni, Ash, Yati

Guest Facilitator: Senior Science Scout Ummeesh

Senior Science Scout and Science Scout of the Year 2008 Ummeesh took up the challenge and facilitated an entire meeting! Ummeesh conducted an activity to build a water wheel using everyday materials such as reusable plastic bottles, cork, wooden skewers, styrofoam and cellophane tape. The water wheel proved to be an excellent demonstration of how energy can be transformed!

Congratulations Ummeesh on an activity well done!

Senior Science Scout Ummeesh providing Troop 4 with some hands-on assistance.

Senior Science Scout Desmond amuses himself.

Troop 4 members Li Xuan and Yu Sheng busy building their water wheel.

Senior Science Scout Khavishini also amuses herself.

Ummeesh getting Troop Leader Ash to check his product!

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