Monday, February 7, 2011

Recruitment for Troop 5 is still open!

We're still accepting applications for Troop 5 of the Petrosains Science Scouts! Please read the program Handbook for details and also, do view the rest of the blog for an idea of what to expect.

To apply, the following is required:

- Completed application form emailed, faxed, or sent by hand by latest 28 February 2011.
- Applicant must be in Primary school in 2011.
- Please include a creative reason on why the applicant wants to be a Petrosains Science Scout!

For existing Science Scouts who would like to continue, please fill in the form as well.

Your Troop Leaders for 2011 are:

Qila -
Azni -
Ying Ying -
Yati -

Application forms can be emailed to them, or alternatively faxed to 03-2331 1212.

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