Thursday, November 12, 2009

Invitation to join Troop 4 in 2010!

Specially for Troop 3, we are inviting interested Science Scouts to apply to join Troop 4 in 2010! To be eligible, you must meet the following criteria:
  • Have been in the Science Scouts with Troop 3 only. Those who were from Troop 2 and who have continued to Troop 3 are not eligible to apply (but you're welcomed for All Troop meetings and special events!).

  • You need to be in Primary school next year. If you will be in Standard 6 in 2010, please consider carefully on whether or not you will be able to commit to attending the meetings.
We will only accept FIVE Science Scouts from Troop 3 to continue as active members in Troop 4. Our decision will be based on your attendance, commitment, and attitude that you have shown throughout this past year.

To apply, just answer the following question and send it to us by hand, fax, or email! Closing date will be 31 December 2009. The question is:

"Creatively and convincingly tell us why you should be selected to join Troop 4 of the Petrosains Science Scouts!"

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